ICOM UK, the National Museum Directors’ Council and York Museums Trust hosted the third Working Internationally Conference on 5th March at The Hospitium in York.
This is the first time that the conference has been located outside London, and has been an opportunity for those involved in museums’ international work to share information and good practice, discover new developments, and network.
The programme for 2015 had five themes:
- International audiences: with a focus on inbound tourists
- International partnerships: working with India and Europe
- Practicalities of international work: managing the risks to objects, people, finances and reputation
- Putting funding packages together: case studies
- Recent developments: Arts Council England and international work
Papers from the day
Partnerships: Sam Guha
Powerpoint version of Partnerships
The Silent Partners: Jane Munro and Ameilie Simier
Managing Risk to people: Rosie Wanek
Managing Risk to Reputation: Jim Broughton
Working Internationally 2015: Speakers’ Bios and Abstracts