Asia Resources is an online platform that connects the people of Asia and Europe through arts and culture by providing information, facilitating dialogue, and stimulating reflection.


Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS)

Set up in 2000, the Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS) is a network of museums with Asian collections. It now gathers over 192 museums in 41 countries in Asia and Europe. As the founder of ASEMUS, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) holds the only Permanent seat in the Executive Committee (ExCo).  ASEMUS supports knowledge & personnel exchange between Asian and European museums as well as the development of collaborative projects among member museums, including through the movement of collections.


Re-Imagine: India-UK Cultural Relations in the 21st Century was a research and dialogue initiative looking at the relationship between India and the UK.  The project was launched in January 2012 with Counterpoint, UK, King’s India Institute, London, and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) as partners.

Re-Imagine: Museums and Galleries: UK-India Opportunities and Partnerships, published in October 2014 can be downloaded HERE

Re-Imagine: India–UK Cultural Relations in the 21st Century (ISBN: 978-93-82951-34-6), published by Bloomsbury India, emerged out of the project. The book is an independent volume of future-forging pieces by leading thinkers in India and the UK, exploring the evolving relationship between the two countries, tracing not only the shared history but also its contemporary ramifications.


Indian Council for Cultural Relations and The Nehru Centre, London


Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage 


Central Asian Cultural Centre


Chinese Museums Association / ICOM China

Created in 1982, the Chinese Museums Association is a non-profit NGO representing the interests of Chinese museums and museum professionals. It shares the same secretariat as ICOM China, the national committee of the International Council of Museums. It’s regular activities include training, conference and publications dedicated to museums.


ChinaMuseum International (CMI)

ChinaMuseum International (CMI) is a professional organizer and producer of international travelling exhibitions. Working closely and constantly with the greatest Chinese and world museums, CMI is committed to building an international exchange of exhibitions and cultural activities. Their services include exhibition planning, organization, promotion and delivery to international standards.


China Now

China Now is an online resource for UK arts and creative professionals with an interest in China and Hong Kong.


Presentation: Connecting Audience at the Heart of China’s Museum Boom

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Yu Zhang, Museum Consultant, Chinese Museums Association / Tianyu Cultural Group gave this presentation at the ICEE meeting at the ICOM 24th General Conference in Milan, July 2016


Presentation: More than British Landscapes & Terracotta Warriors: Touring Models To & From China

Yu Zhang, Museum Consultant, Chinese Museums Association / Tianyu Cultural Group and Dana Andrew, Museum & Gallery Consultant gave this presentation at MuseumNext in Rotterdam on 28 June 2017


China-Britain Business Council (CBBC)

The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) and the British Chamber of Commerce in China are the leading organisations helping UK companies grow and develop their business in China. Their missions are to help UK companies of all sizes and sectors, whether new entrants or established operations, access the full potential of the fastest growing market in the world.  CBBC delivers a range of practical services, including: advice and consultancy, market research, event management, an overseas market introduction service, trade missions and exhibitions, and setting up rep offices. Through 60 years of engagement, they have built up exceptional connections with government and business across China.

Download CBBC’s tips for business trips to China HERE


UK-China Connections Through Culture (CTC)

Running for nearly a decade, Connections Through Cuture is a long-term programme to develop exciting cultural collaborations between artists and arts organisations, supporting long-lasting relationships between China and the UK.

The programme offers support, information, advice, networking opportunities and development grants to artists and arts organisations in China and the UK.


The Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA)


The CFCCA works with a diverse range of partners to provide a lively and innovative programme of exhibitions, residencies, engagement projects, festivals, symposia, and events.


Japan Foundation


The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation

The Foundation’s aim is to develop good relations between the United Kingdom and Japan by advancing the education of the people of both nations in each other’s culture, society and achievements.  It seeks to promote mutual understanding and cooperation through financial support for activities in a number of fields, including arts and culture.


Korean Cultural Centre