Update on ICOM Museum Definition Consultation 4

Thank you to all of the ICOM UK members who took part in Consultation 4 of the ICOM Museum Definition consultation process.

Out of the five definitions to choose from, ICOM UK members selected the following definition as their most preferred option:

A museum is a permanent, not-for-profit institution, accessible to the public and of service to society. It collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits, tangible, intangible, cultural and natural heritage in a professional, ethical, and sustainable manner for research, education, reflection and enjoyment. It communicates in an inclusive, diversified, and participatory way with communities and the public.

However, in accordance with the response from a majority of members, we also asked ICOM to replace the word ‘permanent’ with ‘open and inclusive’

What happens next?

ICOM Define will present the top ranked definitions to a preliminary ICOM Advisory Council Meeting on 5 May 2022.  Then, a voting process will take place to arrive at the final selection of definitions, which will then be presented to the ICOM Executive Board.  At he Extraordinary General Assembly in August at Prague 2022, a final vote for the new ICOM museum definition will take place.

ICOM members can log into the members area of the ICOM website to see the consultation submissions from each ICOM National and International Committee.