MGS Capital Resilience Fund 2023

Non-National accredited museums and galleries in Scotland will be able to apply for grants between £5,000 and £60,000. In exceptional circumstances applications may be considered that exceed £60,000 for high-impact projects that can clearly be delivered within two years.

The purpose of the fund

The fund will support capital costs that directly increase the resilience of museums by increasing energy efficiency, reducing running costs, or preventing increases in maintenance and repair costs.

Projects will be prioritised that will directly reduce carbon emissions or have a positive environmental impact, but all projects should aim for best practice in environmental impact in the way that they are delivered.

What the fund will support

  1. Works to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy running costs. Energy efficiency projects should seek to reduce carbon emissions, contributing to Scotland’s target of net zero emissions by 2045.
  2. Critical repairs and preventative maintenance may be considered which will:
    • Contribute to the environmental sustainability of your building and;
    • Where it can be demonstrated the works are required to be carried out in the next one to two years. These requests must be supported by a costed condition survey from a suitably qualified professional.
  3. Priority will be given to the above two types of project. Other capital works which will have a demonstrable and significant impact on financial resilience may be considered by exception.

All activity must be deliverable within two years of the date of award. The fund can support project management fees and professional fees for plans and surveys as long as the capital works themselves will be completed within the time frame for this funding.

When to apply

The submission deadline is 5pm on Tuesday 21 November 2023.

Before starting the application process, you must submit an expression of interest to no later than 5pm on Tuesday 7 November.

Decisions on funding will be announced by 19 January 2024.

What to do next

Read the Capital Resilience Fund guidance. Anyone considering applying is also strongly encouraged to read our advice guides on climate action to improve their knowledge of the range of activity that can be delivered in this area, from undertaking carbon footprint calculations and energy audits to case studies of previously funded climate action projects.