Following this pandemic, most museums will have to face challenges on many economic, political and social issues. Among them, the most serious may be budget constraints for government-funded museums and the increased difficulty of fundraising for private museums.
The second-biggest challenge may be the inevitable political and social changes in the ways that decisions are made about museums in most countries. To overcome these challenges, we, museum professionals, should consider the most possible and reasonable methods. For the monetary affair, government museums should not rely on government budgets alone. Perhaps, they should collaborate with private museums to broaden their fundraising methods, whilst, in turn, sharing the benefits of governmental support. Such collaboration might demonstrate the equality of both kinds of museums
To address social and political problems, museums around the world need to communicate with each other; to discuss with openness and trust; to search for the solutions together. Whilst museum professionals may differ in origins, race, religion and gender, all of them can consider together issues of diversity, according to their different backgrounds, histories, locations, ethnicities and other factors. This will foster the diversity and inclusivity of museums around the world.
Within the limited area of museums, museum professionals should try to connect more with diverse people or communities of different races, religions and genders in the search for resolution of political, social and monetary issues, through special exhibitions, museum talks, digital conferencing and edutainment programmes for diversity, inclusion and equality.