IMD Think Piece by Dominika Jagiełło, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland

How many hours and days have we remained in this situation called ‘current’?  We work from home; we create an institution from home.  We can join meetings wherever we are, regardless of wide dispersion.  It doesn’t matter in what part of the world you are, probably this place is a couch.  One doesn’t have to be a resident of a metropolis to take part in arts and culture. 

Without supporting the tourism industry, visiting distant museums seems simple, but nothing compares, nothing compares to personal touch and being together.

Flat screens; black silent boxes instead of the faces and diversity of three-dimensional creatures – their expressions and uniqueness.  How can we deal with the diversity of internet connection and varying quality of devices during online lessons and workshops?  What do the inequalities of today look like?  Can they be found in elegant museum halls?  What else remains invisible in the museum space?  Technologies give, but also take away.  How can we use them to eliminate exclusion and isolation, rather than to score numbers and conceal a lack of sensitivity or patience?

Gathering together, experiencing art live, seems like something we all seek.  But if you are unable to leave your dwelling, staying in a nursing home, or are terrified of crowds, nothing compares, nothing compares to having the option to participate in social lives online.

How diverse is the diversity at your museum?  What kind of beautiful faces won’t you see, because their bodies will be hindered by the stairs or forced to leave because of a lack of benches?  You may find meeting people online or watching a spectacle on a flat screen imperfect.  But inclusion allows for imperfections.  Inclusion allows individual choice.