ICOM-INTERCOM – Call for Papers – 31 Jan deadline

ICOM-INTERCOM, the International Council of Museums Committee for museum management, is preparing for a conference in Qatar on the theme of visionary museum leadership and mindset for an empowering future.

The conference, hosted by ICOM Qatar and organized by ICOM-INTERCOM in partnership with Qatar Museums, and in collaboration with CIMAM, ICOM SEE and ICOM Croatia, will take place on May 6 – 8 2023 in Doha, Qatar.

The conference will be organised as physical (in presence) event, but the opportunity
to present online will be offered.

ICOM and non ICOM members are invited to submit an abstract of an original academic
and professional contribution to the study and practice of museum leadership.

We welcome a diversity of submissions that can inform the sector on what is being done
or emerging in this sphere and develop inspirational ideas for future practice.

All proposals submitted will be assessed for relevance to the conference focus by a committee consisting of representatives by the organizational bodies and will be published with ISBN number, in English and Arabic languages.
Museums and their future: how to lead for success

This conference builds on the results of a large-scale museum leadership survey that ICOM – INTERCOM undertook in 2021 to explore how global crises have impacted leaders
and decision makers in their everyday work.[1]
The research establishes the context in which museum leaders are operating. It highlights the crucial importance of visionary leadership
for museums to develop suitable strategies to overcome the consequences of multiple crises and to establish trust and open dialogue between stakeholders – a key issue for any leader.

The conference will be structured in three main themes, all related to visionary museum leadership:

  1. The museum leader profile, key skills, and essential mindset of the leader.
  2. Visions for the future based on a cross-cultural exchange of knowledge and experiences
  3. Museum governance

We encourage proposals that share different perspectives of museum leadership and actions and welcome contributions that address the following, non-exhaustive, list of topics:
• A museum leader’s visionary mindset
• Future role of the museum leader
• Museums and transformational leadership
• Museum leadership and innovation
• Museum leadership: current challenges
• Museum governance models and leadership
• Governance toolkits
• Autonomy and museum leadership
• Strategy and museum leadership
• Innovation and museum leadership
• The future of museums
• The museum leader’s skill set
Submission process

Abstracts of 300 words maximum, written in English should be submitted for selection by filling the form here https://forms.gle/3n3Ac2pNXj7Z95XF7 or writing  
to secretary.intercom@icom.museum

It must include:
• Title
• Author(s) details (names, affiliations, e-mails of all authors)
• Author(s) short bio (70 words maximum not included in the word count)
• 3-5 key words
• Aim, context, and objectives of the research
• Theoretical framework informing the research
• Methodological approach
• Summary of the main or expected results and conclusions
• From 3 to 5 main references (not included in the word count)

The abstracts received will be examined on a blind review basis by the Scientific Committee based on the following selection criteria:
• Consistency of the objectives, approach, and argumentation structure
• Methodological rigor
• Theoretical framework and use of the appropriate literature
• Relevance and connection to the main theme of the Congress
• Contribution to knowledge
• Soundness of the conclusions

Please consider that approved works can only be presented if an author or a co-author
is registered to the Congress’ main programme.
Each author may submit one proposal only as the main author. There is no limitation
for the participation as a co-author.
Please consider that presentations will be no longer than 20 min and must be delivered in English or Arabic.

• 31 January 2023: Deadline for abstracts proposals.
• 15 February: Authors are communicated the selection.
• 1 April: Final papers are due (5,000-7,000 words maximum; further guidelines will be provided in due course).

Reductions and benefits regarding participation to the conference will be ensured to all selected speakers. Further information will be provided in due course.