How to participate in International Museum Day 2023

To ensure the success of International Museum Day 2023, we need your help!

The theme for the 2023 International Museum Day edition (May 18) is Museums, Sustainability and Well-being. There are many ways in which museums can contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: from supporting climate action and fostering inclusivity, to tackling social isolation and improving mental health.

Every year, ICOM puts together a communications kit to help museums in participating in International Museum Day. This kit includes:

  • Information about this year’s theme, “Museums, Sustainability and Well-being”
  • Advice and tips on how to organise an International Museum Day event
  • Examples of activities to engage different publics
  • The objectives and mission of International Museum Day

You are the ambassadors of International Museum Day. Thanks to the activities that you organise and the strong connections you develop with your public, this event continues to be a success year after year. In addition to the activities you plan, your participation in International Museum Day is an opportunity for you to:

  • Implement partnerships with schools, associations, libraries, other museums, etc. to promote your event and reinforce your links with organisations with similar goals;
  • Advocate for the role of museums in our societies by letting local, regional, and national authorities know about your activities and why they matter for the general public;
  • Spread information about International Museum Day through the local press, your social media and your website;
  • Gain international visibility about your activities by sharing information about your International Museum Day events with ICOM, allowing us to spread the news throughout our network and beyond.
  • We hope that this kit will inspire you to participate in this global celebration of museums! Remember to share your activities with ICOM and its network by using the hashtag #IMD2023 on social media.