Heritage for Peace Newsletter: Sudan Heritage Protection Initiative

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Heritage for Peace – an international group of heritage workers – has updated its Damage Mailing List to include details of damage to Sudan’s cultural heritage during the current conflict. The newsletter is part of the group’s Sudan Heritage Protection Initiative (SHPI) that aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Raise awareness about the importance of safeguarding and protecting cultural heritage in Sudan, irrespective of its religious or ethnic identity.
  • Document and preserve knowledge about the damages inflicted upon cultural heritage in Sudan during the conflict.
  • Develop, maintain, and support a network of contacts and volunteers dedicated to the effective safeguarding of cultural heritage in Sudan.
  • Provide training, practical knowledge, and simple technologies to protect and preserve cultural heritage in Sudan, even in challenging circumstances.
  • Facilitate communication and collaboration between heritage workers in Sudan and the international heritage community.

As part of its commitment, Heritage for Peace is issuing monthly updates to highlight ongoing damage to Sudan’s important heritage. The newsletter is compiled from various sources including news reports, citizen and journalist accounts, as well as updates from other organisations. It also shares information about activities undertaken to protect Sudan’s heritage. Anyone can subscribe to the mailing list by clicking the button below.

The Sudan Heritage Protection Initiative also organised a webinar in collaboration with the V&A’s Culture in Crisis programme on 25 May, when Sudanese heritage professionals spoke about their heritage.