GIS environmental conditions review

This information was first published on the ACE website.


The GIS guidelines, published by the Arts Council and DCMS, set out how organisations are required to manage risk for an indemnity to be approved, and in the event of an incident, a claim to be made. Included in the guidelines is an assessment of environmental data from the borrowing institutions of the conditions in which the objects on loan will be kept, such as relative humidity, temperature and light lux and UV levels. This is to minimise the risk of claims under the scheme.

The current guidelines were last reviewed in 2016. Since then, several external factors have impacted on the operation of the scheme and the capacity of museums to work within its requirements.

The review

The Arts Council has appointed Lorraine Finch, founder of LFCP, to review the environmental conditions which apply under the Government Indemnity Scheme.

The aims of the review are:

  • to test whether the conditions remain fit for purpose,
  • to explore future expectations of the scheme
  • to recommend any changes to the requirements of environmental conditions for loans

The first step is a desk-based evaluation, with is due to report by March 2023. We will consult with the sector in advance of rolling out any changes.

Reference group

Arts Council is working closely with the National Museum Directors’ Council and a reference group of sector experts. The group comprises:

Amber Xavier-Rowe (Head of Collections Conservation, English Heritage)

Christian Baars (Head of Collections Care, Liverpool Museums and Co-Chair ICOM UK)

Eloise Stewart (Exhibitions Manager, National Portrait Gallery and Chair UKRG)

Kirstie Hamilton (Director of Programmes, Sheffield Museums),

Sara Crofts (Chief Executive, ICON)

Wilma Bouwmeester (Heritage Consultant, Sustainable Heritage Conservation and GIS Environmental Advisor)