The ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums is a fundamental document, defining standards of principled conduct for museums and museum professionals worldwide. It provides a unifying framework for the profession and guides the field. Originally created and adopted as the ICOM Code of Professional Ethics by ICOM’s membership in 1986, it was updated in 2001 and revised and adopted in 2004 as the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums.
- Sustainability, or sustainable development — environmental, social and financial;
- Independence of museums from political influence allowing museums to maintain integrity in interpretation and programming;
- Equity, accessibility, and inclusivity, that implies among other things, equal rights and equal access to heritage for all;
- Social responsibility and social role of museums;
- Restitution and repatriation;
- Fundraising and sponsorship; and
- Ethical implications of the digital dimension of museums and social media — the impact of new technologies on our workplaces and audiences.
A first consultation of the ICOM membership by ETHCOM in early 2021 yielded a list of issues that need to be addressed more fully in the Code. The most often mentioned were:
Finally, ETHCOM heard that we should be developing one comprehensive Code of Ethics that incorporates the principles from the ICOM Code of Ethics for Natural History Museums.
ETHCOM are now initiating a second consultation and ETHCOM invites all the National and International Committees, Regional Alliances, and Affiliated Organizations along with their membership to comment upon and add to the suggestions that we received in the first survey. ETHCOM is committed to a democratic and transparent revision process.
ETHCOM want to get as broad a participation in this process as possible so that the revised Code of Ethics will provide guidance on the issues that the ICOM membership deems important now as well as in the coming years. We must work together to ensure that ICOM’s revised Code of Ethics for Museums expresses the values and ethical principles that underpin our professionalism so that we can maintain the trust that the public places in us and continue to be vital organizations for all.