On the 6th June the ivory ban came into force. The Ivory Act 2018 prohibits dealing in ivory items unless they meet one of five narrow and carefully defined exemptions and are either registered or have an exemption certificate.
The UK Government launched the ivory digital service on 24 February 2022. This service allows people to register or apply for an exemption certificate for ivory items they would like to deal in.
Detailed guidance on dealing in items made of ivory or containing ivory can be found on GOV.UK
The UK Government has produced some communication materials to help ivory owners, businesses, and the public understand the UK wide Ivory Ban, which came into force on 6 June 2022. You can find these here: The ban on dealing in elephant ivory: guidance artwork
The bundle includes PDF files for retailers to download, print and display in stores, and image files that may be more suitable for use online.
There are also guidance cards to support ivory owners and business employees to understand the key points of the act and help explain it to others, including the process for registering for exemptions.