ACE publishes GIS environmental conditions review

In response to concerns that the Government Indemnity Scheme’s (GIS) environmental conditions meant museums would be hampered in efforts to reduce their climate impact, ACE commissioned a review of published evidence and current practice to explore:

  • whether the conditions for relative humidity, temperature and light, which apply under the Scheme remain fit for purpose, and
  • identify potential actions to reduce the Scheme’s climate impact.

ACE brought together experts from the cultural sector to guide and inform this important development.

Following this initial information gathering stage, ACE are now seeking feedback on specific proposed actions from borrowers and stakeholders of the GIS across the UK.

The GIS review is now live on the ACE website, including a survey (and revised GIS application form).

ICOM UK would like to encourage its members to complete and return the survey to ACE. If you would also like to share your thoughts with us, please feel free to send us a copy of your survey answers, or separate thoughts, to