International Touring Exhibitions

As part of the Working Internationally Regional Project (WIRP) and the Supporting International Engagement Project, ICOM UK and the British Council commissioned and developed a template international touring exhibitions agreement.

Research by ICOM UK, the British Council and the Touring Exhibitions Group (TEG) has shown that one of the key issues for museums undertaking international touring exhibitions is the contractual aspect.  This template international touring exhibitions agreement was produced in response to this demand.

A designed PDF of the template agreement with guidance notes can be downloaded below.  It is accompanied by a Word document of the template agreement (without the guidance notes) that can be adapted for use by UK museums and galleries.

This Template does not contain legal advice.  It should not be seen as a substitute for individual legal advice in any given case.

Template International Touring Agreement

Template International Touring Agreement (Word)

Dana Andrew, ICOM UK Executive Director, gave a key note presentation on International Lending, Borrowing & Touring at the Sharing Collections Symposium in Edinburgh on 14 June 2017, which was organised by MGS and NMS.  You can download her presentation below, which includes a number of top tips and links to further resources.

The British Council’s Supporting International Engagement Project, funded by Arts Council England (ACE), delivered a programme of support to UK museums and galleries with ambitions to launch or to develop their international touring exhibition programmes.  The project helped develop the capacity of non-national museums to tour internationally and built on the UK’s reputation as one of the leaders in the field.

As part of this project, the British Council identified that sector colleagues wanted to know more about the economics of international touring exhibitions, and that setting fees was a particular challenge for organisations with less international touring experience.  The British Council commissioned Dana Andrew (Museum & Gallery Consultant) to undertake confidential research on fees and economic models for international touring exhibitions produced by UK museums and galleries.  You can download the report based on this research.

NMDC was commissioned by the British Council to produce a brief illustrated guide to the collections in UK museums for potential international partners. The result is A Wealth of Treasures. The purpose of the guide, funded by Arts Council England and the British Council, is to demonstrate the breadth and scope of UK collections. It was launched at the British Embassy in Washington D.C. on 27 May 2016 by the Director of British Council USA to coincide with the American Alliance of Museums Conference. A Wealth of Treasures will be distributed digitally to and then by British Council offices across the world.  You can download a PDF.

Write Better International Touring Exhibition Contracts was an event organised by the British Council at Tate Britain on 15 March 2017.

From Coffee to Contract, Katie Childs, NMDC / IWM

Template International Touring Exhibitions Agreement, Dana Andrew, WIRP / ICOM UK

Touring Exhibitions, Tony Doubleday, Head of Legal Services, British Museum

International Touring Exhibitions: A Beginner’s Guide was organised by the British Council and took place at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge on 18 March 2016.

Below you can download the presentations from the workshop, along with a list of companies who tour exhibitions internationally with and on behalf of museums and galleries.

Developing an International Touring Strategy – Tessa Brown, National Portrait Gallery, London

Financial Planning: Economics of International Touring Exhibitions – Dana Andrew, Exhibitions Consultant

Finding Partners – Katie Childs, Policy & Projects Manager, NMDC

Recce Trips by Delphine Allier, Curator, British Council Visual Arts Department

Transport and Logistics – Rosie Wanek, V&A and Denise Reid, Momart Ltd.

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