ICOM UK and NMDC, supported by the British Council and Natural History Museum, held the fifth Working Internationally Conference on 2nd March 2017 at the Natural History Museum in London.
This year’s conference took the pulse of working internationally in a post-Brexit world. What issues will UK museums face in the months and years ahead as the UK seeks political separation from the EU? How can we maximise the opportunities and manage the challenges ahead of us?
You can download the conference programme HERE
Below you can download a PDF of each presentation in addition to a selection of reports relating to Brexit.
Dana Andrew, ICOM UK Executive Director, gave a post-conference update at the 2017 M+H Show on 18 May 2017. You can download her presentation.
Keynote: Sir Michael Dixon, Director, Natural History Museum, London
What opportunities and challenges does Brexit open up for UK museums? Download slides from Sir Michael Dixon’s Talk
Keynote: Richard Evans, Director, Beamish Museum
How is Brexit specifically relevant to UK museums?
Flash Session: Series of short presentations exploring how Brexit may affect the practicalities of museum and gallery work.
What is Creative Europe?

Brexit the Irish Perspective

Watts Gallery Artists Village

Workshop 1: Tim Corum, Horniman Museum & Gardens
In recent years the Horniman Museum & Gardens has developed its role as a creative hub, bringing artists and communities together to develop exhibitions, events and artworks. This workshop explored the international dimension of this work and the Horniman’s ambition to link communities which are geographically distant, but which share an interest in the one world we all live in. Download the talk slides
Workshop 2: Jody East and Helen Grundy, Royal Pavilion & Museums Brighton & Hove
The Fashion Cities Africa exhibition has been an international project since its inception. This workshop by Royal Pavilion & Museums Brighton & Hove highlighted how they established relationships across four African cities and developed a major exhibition. They looked at how the exhibition has retrospectively become a touring exhibition that is due to travel to the Netherlands in 2017. Focussing on the points of commitment from the initial expression of interest from the tour venue and during the tour negotiations, Jody and Helen outlined what type of formal and informal agreements were put in place and reflected on lessons learnt. Download the talk slides
NMDC submission to Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee Inquiry on theImpact of Brexit on creative industries, tourism and the digital single market, October 2016 Download the talk slides
Arts Council England: The arts and culture sector and exit from the European Union, November 2016 Download the talk slides
Creative Industries Federation: Brexit Report, October 2016 Download the talk slides
Culture Action Europe: A little guide to the UK-EU negotiations, November 2016 Download the talk slides