17 Jun / 19 Jun
Time: All Day
European contact weekend for industrial heritage volunteers and associations Antwerp (Belgium), 17-19th June 2016.
E-FAITH, the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage is the European platform promoting contacts and co-operation between non profit volunteer associations, the place where those can meet, exchange experiences, learn from each other and support each other’s activities and campaigns.
After previous succesfull meetings in Beringen, Kortrijk, Barcelona, Calais, Tilburg, London, Neuchâtel and Lyon (each attended by representatives from a dozen countries) E-FAITH is now organizing in Antwerp its ninth European contact weekend for volunteers and non profit organisations that are engaged in the research, the preservation, the interpretation and/or the presentation of the industrial and technical heritage.
Exchanging ideas is the very essence of these Industrial Heritage Weekends organised by the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage (EFAITH).
The Weekend is being held in Antwerp, a city rich of industrial andharbour heritage. It will provide enterprising volunteers and their associations with an excellent opportunity to promote their projects, whether work in progress or finished, to like-minded volunteers from all over Europe.
The main themes of this year’s meeting are the role volunteers and voluntary associations can play in developing industrial heritage tourisme.
One will also discuss how to consolidate the overwhelming effects of the 2015 European Industrial Heritage Year and how to prepare and work towards the 2018 European Cultural Heritage Year
During the meeting special attention will be given to
– Promoting international volunteer co-operation for industrial heritage preservation, interpretation and presentation.
– Exchange of ideas on restoration, raising capital and income, marketing, technical skills, training, safety and other aspects of running projects successfully
– Presentations by volunteers and associations on existing projects and work in progress
Additional information on the ninth European Industrial and Technical Heritage Weekend is available and will be regularly updated
– on the new website of E-FAITH, http://www.industrialheritage.eu (go to http://www.industrialheritage.eu/events/next-industrial-heritage-weekend)
– or can be requested by e-mail at Weekend2016@e-faith.org